Crowntakers agaricus bisporus
Crowntakers agaricus bisporus

crowntakers agaricus bisporus

2008) which demonstrates their potential for application in different foods. 2001), and a high antioxidant activity (Barros et al. 2016), considerable fiber content (Manzi et al. They also contain flavor enhancers (Phat et al. Mushrooms have a high percentage of easily digestible protein and present a meat-like texture (de Jesus, 2015), which make them an interesting choice for the replacement of animal proteins. bisporus is popular in the global food market, accounting for 15% of total worldwide mushroom production (Ramos et al. bisporus is the most produced and consumed mushroom in Brazil (ANPC, 2013 Chang, 1999). In addition to plants, mushrooms have also emerged as raw materials to be studied and applied in food industries (Sánchez, 2017).Īmong various edible species, A. In this context, the incorporation of plant-based products into animal origin foods has been highlighted because of their nutritional profile (e.g., no cholesterol, low fat ingredients) (Reis et al. ( 2016) noticed bitter and metallic residual taste in salami manufactured with NaCl replacement by KCl and CaCl 2. ( 2011) incorporated grape seed and peel extracts as natural antioxidants in chicken burger and observed that the color of the product was affected. ( 2018) manufactured a bologna sausage added with healthy fats, but consumers rejected the product based on their texture sensory properties. Likewise, fat replacement may induce negative sensory changes. According to these authors, the sensory quality of the final product containing phenolic compounds must be considered.

crowntakers agaricus bisporus

de Camargo and Schwember ( 2019) summarized the phenolic-driven sensory changes in different food systems. However, to date, most of the alternatives studied negatively affected the sensory properties of the product. In order to overcome this technological limitation, different strategies have been explored to reduce the fat/salt content and the use of synthetic antioxidants, and, at the same time, to preserve the sensory quality of the products. However, producing foods with a balanced nutritional profile preserving the sensory quality is challenging. According to Brazil Food Trends 2020 (ITAL, 2010), the niche market for health-conscious consumers has reached 21% in the Brazilian society and has a strong potential for growth. However, they are not willing to sacrifice the sensory quality of these foods (Tuorila & Monteleone, 2009).


In order to address the above concerns, consumers are looking for products with reduced salt, fat and sugar contents as well as free and/or low in synthetic antioxidants. In fact, according to a recent reports, in 2016, NCDs were responsible for 71% (41 million) death worldwide and 17.9 million death were related to CVD, which was followed by cancers (9 million), chronic respiratory diseases (3.8 million), and diabetes (1.6 million death) (Silva et al. NCDs have been pointed as major health challenges of the twenty-first century. This has contributed to the nutritional transition observed in the last decades, characterized by increased incidence of noncommunicable diseases (NCD), such as metabolic cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and tumors (Ribeiro et al. The dietary pattern has changed to a diet where meats, fats and simple carbohydrates are widely consumed, while the intake of plant proteins and fibers is dramatically reduced (Kendall et al. Because of the population aging, inadequate nutrition and lifestyle-related diseases, health concerns have become increasingly important (Araújo, 2017).

Crowntakers agaricus bisporus